KNU အတၓပရၔ ဆူ ဘီမုၓစၔဖွိၗကရၔနဲၗရြဲၗခိၗက်ၔၓ (ကညီက်ိၘ)

March 6, 2010
KNU Statement About SPDC Stop Attacking

KNU အတၓပရၔ ဆူ ဘီမုၓစၔဖွိၗကရၔနဲၗရြဲၗခိၗက်ၔၓ

KNU Statement Requesting UN SG to Call on SPDC to Stop Attacks against Karen Civilians


March 5, 2010

KHRG report ဘၗဃးဒီးတၓမၔဆူၗပပွၖကညီကမ်ၔၓ

Khrg Report

နအဖ မၖအၔမၖနးပပွၖကညီကမ်ၔၓသ့ၗတဖၗ တကတၔၓဒံးဘၗ

March 4, 2010
Fbr Report 26 Feb 2010

EU ကဟ့ၗမၖစၔၖပွၖဘၗကီဘၗခဲသ့ၗတဖၗ

March 3, 2010
EU Gives Myanmar 17 Million Euros in Humanitarian Aid

ဒ္နမ့ၓကညီဖိ႕႕႕႕တၓလၔနကဘၗသ့ၗညါ (၁)

March 2, 2010
Who are the Karen?

The Karen (pronounced kah-rin with the second syllable accented) are one of many ethnic groups found in southeast Asia. All through the countries of India, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Laos and more, ethnic groups like the Karen, Mon, Chin, Kachin, Lahu, Akha, Shan, Palaung, Hmong, Lawa, Wa, Lisu, Mien or Yao, etc. can be found. Each of these groups have their own distinct language, culture, and traditional style of dress. While ethnically distinct from each other, they are sometimes lumped together under the term "hilltribe" since some are from mountainous regions. Further complicating the picture, is that within each major ethnic group there sub groups speaking various dialects and with cultural variations as well.

Karen Origins and Current Locations
Many believe the Karen originated in China and Mongolia and migrated south, arriving in what is now Burma as early as 739 BC. They along with the Mon, may have been some of the earliest settlers to the region. When Southeast Asia country boundaries were drawn back in the early European colonial times, they included many ethnic groups in each country. As in the case of the Karen, sometimes the the boundary between two countries divided a people-group. Today, estimates range from 7 million to over 10 million Karen living in Burma; and between 300,000 and 500,000 Karen, in Thailand.

In general, the Karen prefer to live in lowland areas and make a living growing rice in flooded paddy fields where possible. Many Karen however, do live in higher areas and grow rice on the hillsides using slash and burn agriculture. Of course, life styles are changing due to war, displacement and government policies depending on where the Karen live.

တၓဒုးတၓယၘ ဒီး တၓမၖအၔမၖနးပပွၖကလုၘအတၓကစီၗ

March 1, 2010


February 28, 2010
အဆိယဆၔဂ့ၖဆၔဝါဘၗကညီဖိ ကိးဂၖဒဲးလၔ သုကမၖနၓ့အီၗကဲ နၔၖဒုၗနၔၖဒါနၓ့လီၖ။ မ္ပကအိၗဃူအိၗဖိးဒီးမၖဒိၗ ထီၗသီထီၗပကညီဖိအတၓအိၗမူ၊အတၓထံၗ၊တၓဆိကမိၗလၔကိးမံၖကိးကပၖဒဲးနၗ့တက့ၓ။